Euro Railing – Route Part 1

Planning again. The map you can see down below here is the places I’ve been to already. I’m from Ireland so we’re constantly travelling on little brreaks around our own country, we’ve also been to the UK a good few times too. I’ve been to france 7/8 times as my family love the country as do I! So as you can see I haven’t many places marked off on my map but hopefully come next summer I’ll have half of Europe marked off!

Places I've Visited
Places I’ve Visited

We’ve been planning the route of our Euro Railing trip lately and I have to say if this isn’t the hardest part I’m not going it’s too stressful!! We took ages to decided what countries let alone areas in those countries we want to visit! Our plan is to divide the thrithy days up and use them as best we can. Obviously we are aware our plans will change along the way and in some places we may only stay for the day and then in others we may want to stay for 4/5 days but we rreckon if we have a solid plan done out and our route selected then we wont be as worried or panicky when we’re getting closer to the time. So I’ve come up with a simple way of working out where we should visit etc.:

Our little travel equation:      30days / 10Countries = 3Days in each country

*Warning: This author is terrible at math, you are advised not to depend on this mathimatical equation.

You’ve been warned! This plan could work but it also might not work. We’ll see! We have come up with 8/10 countries to visit, we are also in the process of each picking something in that country that we want to do or visit that way wherever we go, we will both get to see the main thing in each country that we want. So the countries we’ve picked so far are :

1.The netherlands                   5.Bulgaria

2.Belgium                               6.Hungry

3.Germany                              7.Croatia

4.Czech Republic                     8.Italy

We are thinking of doing it in this order, but we’re not completely certain because I have a feeling we might have problems when it comes to booking the trains that need to be booked in advance. I’ve stuck in another map marked with the places we hope to visit below. I know we’re planning to go in August 2016, but I’m getting so excited! 380 days to go! 😛 Anyway if you guys have any suggestions on certain countries we should visit or attractions/places in the countries mentioned above that we should visit let me know! We are so totally open to helpful suggestions, tips and advice from you guys! You can comment underneath here or get in touch on twitter @mylifevoyages

Places we plan to visit
Places we plan to visit

Also, I will be back with our definite route soon so watch this space!


  1. Hey I just got back from my interrailing trip. I have lots of advice and tips as we made our fair share of mistakes. If there is 6+ of you guys you should book trains but if there is less there is no point and the interrail app was so useful! Email me if you want any tips or places to see. I have a mini series on my blog at the moment if you would like to che k it out

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    • Hi Jennifer! Thanks for the tip! There’s only two of us for definite at the moment maybe 3/4 were not sure yet! That’s nice of you to offer thank you so much I really appreciate that. 🙂 I seen your blog posts I’m going to be keeping an eye on them 😉 watch out for my blog posts when I get back from eurorailing, I’ll also be traveling in the mean time so if you’re into traveling check in on my blog 🙂

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