chat Stuck in a rut

So I’ve no hit that part of life where I don’t know what to do with myself. 

I’ve dropped out of college, had a rough break up and currently can’t find a job. It’s that time where you wish life came with a set of rules or guidelines because I find myself thinking about my future and I’ve no idea what I want. Do I go back studying? If I do what do I want to study? Do I get a job and just stick with that? Do I try start my own mini business? Help! 

For those of you who have gotten a degre and are now settled in a cozy secure job I am very envious of you guys. You make it look so easy! 

I’ve discovered that I’m not the accademic type. I’d much prefer working with my hands found practical work but where do I go with that? 

Have u ever been stuck like this before? Any tips or advice is very much appreciated. 

Love your lost friend,

B_ x


  1. Maybe you’re not that academic type, because you don’t know which way you learn. I post college tips, and they seem to help others who have reached out to me. I Paul’s go back to college you know? And research ways you learn to I oils be a visual learner, etc. you just have to find what works and to incorporate those things that work into things that don’t so you can make the things that don’t work, work. 😊 good luck!


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